The Art of Politics

* _title ::: Monumental Trilogy 2020–2023 { Indianapolis / Indiana _United States } // _posters for “The Art of Politics” auction fundraiser and gallery show to support causes selected by each artist – organized and presented by Lars Lawson of Timber Design // _design + illustration ::: Funnel : Eric Kass // .-.. --- ...- . //

* _title ::: The American Nightmare 2020 { Indianapolis / Indiana _United States } // _poster for “The Art of Politics” silent auction fundraiser and gallery show to support The Kurt Vonnegut Museum & Library – sponsored by AAF Indianapolis // pleased to be invited to participate in this show // _design + illustration ::: Funnel : Eric Kass //

Fear is used to control and divide us but we can combat it with information, openness and understanding. America is a wonderfully diverse place which we can all use to our advantage to achieve amazing things when we work together. Ask questions and dig deeper to learn about others experiences, challenges and triumphs. There is The American Dream of freedom, fairness and opportunity which is something to honor, defend and celebrate with pride, but we must not turn a blind eye to the skeletons in our historical closet. Our country is also a culture of violence, greed and exclusion built from genocide, racism and war. Blind patriotism that arrogantly only focuses on our positive qualities or one viewpoint, but ignores our troubling issues is selfish and dangerous. We can’t work toward resolving our problems until we acknowledge them and listen to everyone’s experience to truly see others unique journey. Use your voice to halt hate, embrace empathy, share love and conquer fear. Let’s defeat arrogance, entitlement and ignorance by embracing understanding to help and celebrate one another. Love and Peace.

* _title ::: In Money We Must 2022 { Indianapolis / Indiana _United States } // _poster for “The Art of Politics” auction fundraiser and gallery show to support causes selected by each artist – organized and presented by Lars Lawson of Timber Design // _design + illustration ::: Funnel : Eric Kass // .-.. --- ...- . //

The number one driving force in this country is M-O-N-E-Y. Do votes, needs, issues drive policy? More often that not it seems money is the motivation. It’s promoted as a patriotic duty to keep the economy growing with our purchasing power. Our government spends obscene amounts on weapons to destroy and kill instead of solutions for environmental challenges or resources for people in need. Wealth can be a resource used to lift us all up to live better, safer, healthier lives but all too often it’s perverted into power that proliferates politics and produces policies that only benefit the wealthiest. Money reigns supreme above the environment, problems and people. Let’s open our minds and uncover truths to better understand the underlying debts that are piling up each year because we are all going to have to pay up in the end.

* _title ::: Out of many… some? 2023 { Indianapolis / Indiana _United States } // _poster for “The Art of Politics” auction fundraiser and gallery show to support causes selected by each artist – organized and presented by Lars Lawson of Timber Design // _design + illustration ::: Funnel : Eric Kass // .-.. --- ...- . //

E pluribus unum, Latin for — “Out of many, one” — must be more than a motto for the United States. Intelligent debate and discussion for understanding different view points is vital. Picking sides and stubbornly sticking to them based on selfishness, misinformation or ignorance is unhelpful at a minimum and at worse extremely dangerous. Pursing “Life, Liberty and Happiness” for everyone together can be complicated for sure but must apply to all. It does require time, wisdom, empathy, heart and courage but as the saying goes, “United We Stand Divided We Fall”.

Love Wins

* _title ::: Love Wins { Indianapolis / Indiana _United States } // _alternate poster concept for “The Art of Politics” fundraiser to support The Kurt Vonnegut Museum & Library – sponsored by AAF Indianapolis // _design + illustration ::: Funnel : Eric Kass //

Eric Kass

* bespoke branding, identity & package design for select artisanal food & beverage, boutique products & all-types of elevated creative endeavors around the globe //

nature island — Rosalie Bay Distillery


Dream Palace Books